Everyone loves Kermit the Frog, the adorable cartoon character developed by the late puppeteer Jim Henson. Perhaps you’re a fan, too. Throughout his life, Kermit lived by this philosophy: “It’s Easy Being Green.” You may wish to borrow his lively slogan once you learn how much your summer holiday experience can be improved by prioritizing Belize’s green season. And yes, we have plenty of frogs on hand to greet you, so the spirit of Kermit remains alive and well throughout Belize!
Kermit’s fascination with green is understandable and you’ll feel in synch with the color as well when you visit here in summer. Lush rainforests and jungles are at the peak of their glory. Short rains do nothing more than refresh the leaves and flowers that turn tourist pictures into masterpieces. And since Belize has a smaller than usual number of visitors during the summer, you’ll experience tranquility as you’ve never known it.
Save lots of green by visiting between June and November has an homage to Kermit—known to be the ultimate tightwad in the frog world—because prices for everything from luxury hotels and attractions plummet. Discount airline tickets abound when competition turns carriers green: On June 6th, American Airlines launches direct flights from Los Angeles and in October, Southwest Airlines will begin to offer direct flights as well.
The green season in Belize has gotten an infamously bad rap and we think that Kermit’s arch nemesis, Miss Piggy, is at fault. Unwilling to concede that Kermit is right about the superiority of all things green, we think silly rumors that it rains day and night are her doing. Sure, intermittent showers come and go—many at night when visitors snuggle in luxe resort rooms. Even Miss Piggy concedes that when it comes to cuddling with her Frog Man, rain beating on a roof is the ultimate turn-on!
Save on more than air travel as summer breezes blow across Belize. Visit resort websites like Cahal Pech Village Resort and prepare to be impressed by accommodations and deep discounts. Cahal Pech offers creative packages year-round, but in the summer, rates drop more. All-inclusive deals include beautiful rooms, every amenity you expect from a private Belize resort that’s won travel industry acclaim, on-site dining and close proximity to Cayo/San Ignacio, the ecotourism epicenter of Belize, where the word “green” is spoken with reverence.
Stand out in the rain if you long to revisit the carefree days of your childhood. You can pack a thin parka as you set about on unparalleled adventures to mysterious Mayan ruins and caves, go bird watching or tubing and tour nature preserves representative of the new face of Belize ecology. When rain showers baptize the land, the chance you’ll spot more endangered wildlife increases, which is why frequent visitors have been known to pray for rain!
You don’t have to share your secret about Belize’s green season if you prefer, by the way. Nor must you reveal how cooling showers chase away the heat or talk about how much privacy and seclusion visitors enjoy when there are no crowds around. If this sounds like your idea of heaven—if you understand the joy of jumping into puddles, getting wet with abandon and saying “Who cares?” when the subject of a sun shower is broached, Belize is your destination this summer.